Page 151 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 151

The X-Factor

           Drill Two
           Put boxing gloves on. This drill has similarities to Drill One except that you have
           three people move around you; one with focus pads, one with a kick shield and
           one gloved up and wearing a head guard and gumshield. (Fig. 236)

           The aim is for the focus pad and shield assistants to move around calling out
           combination numbers to which you respond while the third assistant throws
           simple combinations at you with reduced power. You must duck, slip, parry and
           block before delivering your own combination.

                                          Fig 236

           Drill Three
           This is the same as Drill Two except no one calls combination numbers, they
           merely hold the focus pads or shield away from you and then suddenly snap
           them up so that you have to respond instinctively with the combination that comes
           to mind.

           Drill Four
           This is the same as Drill Two except that your assistants work closer in and you
           can only use your elbows, knees, head and low roundhouse kicks to the thigh.
             Note that throughout these drills we have used combinations not single blows.
           You must not expect your first response to be up to the task and must be ready to
           launch another shot or combination to complete your defence.
             For a complete breakdown of power and speed acquisition I suggest you study
           Chapter Seven in the first book in this series, Kick Boxing – A Framework for Success,
           which takes you through the nuts and bolts of this area of training.

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