Page 149 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 149
The X-Factor
Total Running Schedule
The total running schedule shown below should address all your needs with
regard to leg strength, the ability to fight anaerobically and stamina maintenance.
1) Monday jog 5 miles.
2) Wednesday run 2 ½ miles: ½ mile warm-up; 1 ½ miles fartlek; ½ mile warm-
3) Friday run 2 ½ miles: ½ mile warm-up; 1 ½ mile hill work relays; ½ mile
Power is the technical application of force to the target. The aim of this section is
to take the strength you have gained from the weight-training and the running
and convert it into real hitting power.
Bag work is an essential component for converting strength into power. Whether
it is kicking or punching that you are trying to develop, the rules are the same.
Select a technique or combination and throw ten repetitions into the bag as hard
and as fast as you can – hold nothing back. Shake the limbs free and throw another
ten. Shake the limbs free again and throw a third set.
This method should be used for all the techniques or combinations that you wish
to build in power. You should aim to bury your shots into the bag; do not just
strike at the surface. Also, your shots should accelerate, otherwise they become
merely a push. A bag that is hit correctly will jump; a bag that is pushed will
Power Maintenance Routine
Having built satisfactory levels of power, it is necessary to incorporate the power
into an aerobic and anaerobic routine that works the heart, lungs and body in a
technical work-out.
1) Perform three rounds of shadow-boxing as a warm-up.
2) Perform three rounds of two minutes duration with the hands only on the
3) Perform three rounds of two minutes duration with the hands and legs on the
4) Perform three rounds of shadow-boxing with weights in your hands.*
*Start with light weights of just one kg and slowly build to three kg. Do more if
you can handle it, but increase the weight slowly and remember the aim is to
deliver power, not become a body-builder.
This routine serves as a great builder of power and in conjunction with the total
running schedule provides a solid maintenance programme.