Page 154 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 154

Combat Kick Boxing

          5) Black Medicine
          by N. Mashiro
          Published by Palladin. Still in print.
            This book is a detailed study of the vital points of the human body and
          demonstrates how to attack them. Such information can be found in many books,
          but the depth and clarity of Black Medicine make it stand out.
            A combination of photographs and line drawings makes vital point location
          easy and the defences offered are simple no-nonsense answers to self-defence
            Whatever martial art you are involved in, from the point of view of combat the
          information in this text is indispensable.
          Rating 8/10

          6) Bruce Lee’s Fighting Method
          – Self-Defense Techniques
          by Bruce Lee and M. Uyehara
          Published by Ohara. Still in print.
            After reading the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, then this book must be next on your
          shopping list. It has very little text, but the strength of the book lies in its easy to
          follow picture sequences. A range of defences is shown from armed to unarmed
          attack through to gang situations and seated scenarios.
            Lee’s own ability leaps off the page, but the defences are mainly simple and
            On a note of caution however, a number of high kicks are shown for defence
          and it has to be said again that the higher the kick, the greater the risk of being
          swept or rushed off your feet. For that reason only I must mark it down slightly.
          Rating 7/10

          7) Black Medicine II – Weapons at Hand
          by N. Mashiro
          Published by Palladin. Still in print.
            This book follows on from the first Black Medicine and illustrates the use of
          both armed and unarmed methods to defend yourself. The armed defences utilise
          a great many improvised weapons and show ingenuity and not a little humour.
          As a companion work to Black Medicine, it is a solid buy.
          Rating 7/10

          8) Dead or Alive
          by Geoff Thompson
          Published by Summersdale. Still in print.
            Geoff Thompson has become recognised as the United Kingdom’s foremost
          expert in the field of applied martial arts. He has produced dozens of books on
          the subject of self-defence and has run seminars the length and breadth of the
          country. He has quite simply been on a crusade to force the martial arts community
          to confront reality.

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