Page 51 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 51
Targets and Techniques
The head-butt is a close-range strike
whose power is derived from its
weight – the head weighs
approximately 15 lb – and the hardness
of the skull. It can be thrown in a front,
rear, side or rising motion.
A particularly effective attack is to
grab your assailant’s head and drive
your thumbs into their eyes. Then
slam the top of your forehead on to
their nose or the rim of their eye
socket. (Fig. 56)
Strong neck muscles and quick
reactions are essential to obtain the
maximum effect from the strike. A
neck muscle development programme
will prevent self-injury and increase
your striking power when using this
It important to train on soft
equipment such as a soft shield to
prevent training injuries. Never be
tempted to train on hard surfaces such
as tightly-packed heavy bags – the least
Fig 56 damage you will sustain will be
The targets for the head-butt on the
head are the bridge of the nose, the
cheek bones, orbit of the eye and the
chin. On the body the targets are the
solar plexus, stomach, and the small
of the back.