Page 50 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 50

Combat Kick Boxing

          Spinning Backthrust Kick
          This kick is widely thought to be the
          strongest of the kicks. Its power is
          derived from first using the strongest
          muscles in the leg to thrust and then
          by adding rotational power to that
            The danger with this kick is that you
          must turn your back on your
          opponent and in a street situation this
          is potentially fatal, so timing is vital.        Fig 52

          Throw the kick only:

          1) When your assailant has been
             stopped in their tracks by a stop/hit.
          2) When they are on the back foot,
             either mentally or physically.
          3) As part of a combination.

          To throw the kick, step across with
          your front foot until it is on the centre        Fig 53
          line of your stance. Spin, ensuring that
          your head, shoulders and hips precede
          the leg. Bend your knee and pick up
          your leg so that the heel faces the
          target. Continue to spin, driving the
          heel in a straight line. Make contact
          with the heel. (Figs. 52 to 55)
            This is the kick in its most basic
          form. You should practise until you
          can eliminate stepping across to the
          centre line of the body as this will             Fig 54
          telegraph the kick unless you are
          careful to disguise it. Further, you can
          spin and throw the leg straight from
          the floor. This will reduce the kick’s
          power, but is very deceptive.

          The main targets for the spinning
          backthrust kick are the shin, knee,
          lower abdomen, thigh, stomach, liver,
          and kidneys.

                                                           Fig 55

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