Page 68 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 68

Combat Kick Boxing

          Head Lock
          Situation Seven: Your opponent has seized your head and is exerting pressure
          on your neck.
            This is a very dangerous situation. It is very easy for your assailant to strangle
          you, dislocate your neck or apply a thumb gouge to your eyes from this position.
          You must break the hold immediately.
            Throw a left hook to his kidney. Reach up, grab his hair* and tear it back
          violently. Throw a right hook to his chin, then finish him by driving a rising knee
          kick into the small of his back. (Figs. 90 to 94)

          *If your assailant’s hair is too short to grab, use his ear or hook your finger in his
          mouth and tear it backwards. Be careful not to fumble the mouth hook, you
          could have your finger bitten off!

                                          Fig 90
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