Page 70 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 70
Combat Kick Boxing
Head Lock
Situation Eight: Your assailant has
seized your head and is wrenching it
painfully downwards and away from
you. You are in danger of having your
neck dislocated and must strike very
fast to distract your assailant.
Tense your neck and drive a right hook
into his groin. Throw him down with
a yoko guruma.* Drive a right
descending elbow into his lower
Regain your feet quickly and scan
the immediate area for other assailants.
*Yoko Guruma (Figs. 95 to 98)
This technique is a ‘side wheel’. It is
from a range of judo techniques
known as yoko sutemi waza – side Fig 95
sacrifice throws. As with all sacrifice
throws, you hold your assailant tightly
and then throw yourself to the floor,
taking him with you. The landing is
very heavy for the person being
thrown and may, on a hard surface, see
the end of the confrontation there and
To throw him, grasp his left hip with
your left hand. Place your right hand
on his lower abdomen. Throw your
right leg between his legs, pull strongly
with your left hand and push upward
with your right palm against his lower
abdomen. As you fall, throw him over
your left shoulder.
The main points of emphasis are:
1) Pull hard on his left hip.
2) Push strongly upward with your
right hand. Fig 96
3) Throw your right leg between his
legs fast.
4) Commit totally to the technique.