Page 73 - Pat O'Keeffe Combat Kick Boxing
P. 73


                                                 The main points of the throw are:

                                               1) Ensure you bend your knees
                                               2) Keep in mind the idea of a spindle
                                                  running through you that you spin
                                                  your assailant around.
                                               3) Keep your assailant close to your
                                                  body as you execute the throw.

                                               As with all throws you can give him a
                                               more severe landing by pulling the
                                               throw short and allowing him to fall
                                               on his head. This turns the throw into
                                               its own finishing blow. However, the
                                               damage to your assailant is considerable
                                               and the legal consequences of any
                                               defence should always be borne in
                         Fig 102

                         Fig 103                            Fig 104

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