Page 15 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 15

turn your waist to the left as you pump down. In the function  (Figs.
                  4.  DEFLECTION  ATTACK  (Figs.  29-37)                                   35-37)  you  may  see  it  more  clearly.  Your  opponent  strikes  with
                  With your fingers  open,  bring your right hand,  palm down,  to  eye    his  left  hand,  which  you  deflect.  From  here  you  may  pump  down
                  level. Hold the palm cupped. This simulates a block. Now, without        immediately or await his response. If he pushes down on your right
                  extending or altering the position of your arm,  push to the  left and   hand then, of course, he provides impetus for your pumping action.
                  down, the body leading the arm. As your arm nears your left knee,        If he throws his right hand—the Chinese believe that this "empties"
                  flatten  your  right  palm.  A fuller variation  of this action is  seen  in  the  left  side,  making it  vulnerable—you  merely pump down as  he
                  Figs.  33-34.  Here,  as  your  left hand protects your groin,  you turn  strikes  with  his  right  fist,  raising  your  left  for  protection.
                  to  the  right  and  your  right  hand  comes  to  forehead  level.  Now,

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