Page 19 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 19

8.  CROSS  AND  PUSH  (Figs. 56-59)                                       your  left side, thrust your right arm obliquely to the  left  (Fig.  57).
                 This  exercise must be mastered if the postures  are to  be done cor-     Pulling your  right hand  back  toward  your  right  side,  take  a  short
                  rectly,  for it enters into most of them.  First take the straight-ahead  step forward with your left foot,  turn to  the right and crouch as in
                  posture (which actually is the hsing-i basic posture),  with your  left  Fig.  58,  both  fists  at your  sides.  Finally  (Fig.  59),  take your right
                 foot ahead.  Your  left  arm  is  slightly bent  and  your  eyes  focus  on  foot forward,  put it down  so  that it is  perpendicular  knee-to-toes,
                  the fingertips.  Your right hand is  open protecting the groin.  Forty   stretch your body, and push upward, both hands held close together
                  percent  of your  weight  is  on  the  front  foot  and  60  percent  on  the  (you may interlock the thumbs). Your left leg is nearly straightened
                  back foot, which is turned  60° outward  (Fig. 56).  (Hereafter this is  by  the  expansiveness  of the  move.  Alternate  sides  after  mastering
                  called  the  4-6  posture.)  Now  as  you  pull  your  left  hand  back  to  the  initial  action.

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