Page 33 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 33

2.  To  HOLD  UP  (P'ENG)  (Figs.  130-137)
                                                                                           leverage on its return,  first  turn  your  left  arm  counterclockwise as
                 FORM :  As you pull your  left hand to your  left side,  your right foot
                                                                                           far  as  it  will  go).  As you pull his  arm  back toward  your  left  side,
                 goes  obliquely  forward  to  the  right.  Then  your  left  foot  goes
                                                                                           step  obliquely forward near his  left foot with your right foot  (to  go
                 forward  a  fist-width  in  front  of  your  right  foot,  only  the  toes
                                                                                           beyond  his  left  foot  is  even  better,  though  much  more  difficult  to
                 touching.  Simultaneously,  both your hands are held near your  left
                                                                                           accomplish).  Then,  bring your  left foot  on its  toes  in front of your
                 side.  Now  push  off your  right  foot  by  carrying  your  left  foot  for-
                                                                                           right  foot  and,  pushing  off the  right  foot,  take  your  left  foot  for-
                 ward  until  your  right  leg is  stretched  straight,  and  push  with both
                                                                                           ward as both your hands push his left external obliques. A valuable
                 palms  toward  your  left  oblique.
                                                                                           aspect of the Pa-kua regimen is that in  practice you push, whereas
                 FUNCTION : The direction of the Form tells you that you have turned       in  a  real  fight  the  unbalancing  push  is  transformed  into  a  strike.
                 your opponent's corner.  Cross his  body but first cross  his arm.  As    This  Form  is  extremely  important.  Practice  it  many  times,  going
                 he  strikes  with  his  left  fist,  cross  from  outside  with  your  left  (for  both  left  and  right.

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