Page 30 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 30

B.  THE  FORMS   AND   FUNCTIONS                                           time  toe-out  with  your  left  foot  (which  means  you  are  going  up
                  We turn now to twenty basic forms.  Some of the bloom is already           over this foot) (Fig. 112). As you bring your right foot forward and
                  off the rose in that the Exercises are the basis of the Forms. But the     put only the toes down a fist-width  in  front  of your left foot,  swing
                  Forms themselves give rigor and system to Pa-kua and are easier to         your right  arm  clockwise  from  down  to  up  in  a  circle  (Figs. 113-
                  remember than the many attack and  defense fragments  seen in  the         14).  Simultaneously, your left hand turns slightly counterclockwise
                  Exercises.  Do the Forms on both  sides  for all-around balance.           near  your  right  elbow.  Carrying both hands in  a full  circle,  lower
                                                                                             your body  slightly  and push  off your  left  foot  as  your  right  palm
                                                                                             strikes forward  and your  left  hand  is  held  at  your  right  elbow  for
                  1.  To  OPEN (K'AI)  (Figs.  111-129)                                      defense  (Figs.  115-16).  Notice  that  the  right  knee  is  on  a  line
                  FORM:  From  the  basic  4-6  posture,  bring  your  left  hand,  palm     with  the  toes  and  that  there  is  a  straight  line  from  your  scalp  to
                  down,  directly  ahead  and  parallel  with  your  navel.  At  the  same   your left sole  (Fig.  117). You may hold  this  expanded  posture  or

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