Page 35 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 35

4.  To  FEEL (T'AN)  (Figs.  146-156)                                       pull his right arm toward your right side while releasing your hold
                FORM : As you toe-out with your left foot, pull your  left hand back        on his left wrist.  As he is pulled in,  you meet him  by putting your
                to  your  left  side  in  a  fist  and  underspear  with  your  right  palm  right toes down in front of your  left and  by holding two fingers by
                obliquely left.  Next, bring your right hand back  to  your  right  side    your chin. The pull brings his eyes athwart the fingers. If he raises
                in  a fist as  your  right  foot  goes  forward  on  its  toes  and  the  two  his left arm to  fend  off your two-finger attack,  release your hold on
                leading  fingers  on  your  left  hand  thrust  forward.  Then,  as  your   his  right  hand  and  take  your  right  hand  and  foot  forward  in  the
                right  foot  goes  forward,  your  right  palm-butt  pounds  forward  as    final  attack.  In  this  technique  you  stay  one  jump  ahead  of  the
                your  left  hand  returns  to  your  left  side.                            defender.  If he reacts to  one attack,  he sets  himself up  for another.
                FUNCTION:  Your opponent tries  a left-hand  strike.  You  cross from       Be careful of the  eye attack, however:  in practice do  it alone,  or if
                outside  with  your  left  and  pull  him  toward  your  left  side.  At  the  with a colleague,  have him turn  his  head  (he  will  need  no  urging;
                same time,  spear along his  arm  with  your  right hand,  palm up,  to     again  look  at  the  picture).  A  reminder:  photos  and  description
                his throat. Because you still have his left hand, he reacts in the only     leave out one decisive factor—simultaneity—as your left hand pulls
                way possible—by raising his right hand to  deflect your right thrust        back,  your  right  hand  goes  out.  It  must  occur  all  at  once  or  the
                upward. Thus he makes a cross of the two arms, and you thereupon            technique  may  fail.
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