Page 48 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 48

your fist in  a  double  impact.  Immediately  step  forward  with  your
                    16.  To  LOWER  (CHUI)  (Figs.  251-259)                               left leg and attack his head with your extended  left fist as your right
                                                                                           fist  stays  beside  your  left elbow.  He withdraws  his right hand  and
                    FORM:  From  the  starting  position,  slide  your  left  foot  on  its  toes
                    back to your right foot while your hands  clench into fists and your   strikes  at  your  head.  Roll  your  left  hand  back  to  your  forehead,
                    left  elbow raps  down,  your  right fist close  to  it.  Immediately  step  deflecting  his  attack,  and  simultaneously  step  forward  with  your
                    up with your left foot and extend your left arm, the right fist still at  right foot as you hit his  chest with a standing punch.  But,  you say,
                    your  left  elbow.  Now,  roll  your  left arm  back  to  guard  your fore-  his  right hand presumably is hurt by your  left elbow—wouldn't he
                    head as your right standing fist bangs forward with your right foot.   be more apt to throw his  left fist as a counter ? And, if he did, what
                    FUNCTION :  This  elbow technique may be  used against foot or  fist.  would you do ? For the answer see Fig. 259; merely roll your right
                    Your opponent tries to strike your chest with his right hand.  Strike  hand  up  and  strike  with  your  left  as  your  right  foot  goes  up.
                    the  top  of his  fist  with  your  left  elbow  and  then  the  knuckles  of

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