Page 44 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 44
12. To SCRAPE (HSUEH) (Figs. 222-230) FUNCTION: Deflect your opponent's right hand with your left to the
FORM: Bring your right hand back slightly and toe-out your left left, come forward on your toes, and lock-strike his elbow. As he
foot. Swinging your arms in a counterclockwise circle, cut at 45°, punches with his left, roll-deflect it upward with your right hand
your hands ending near your left foot and your right foot coming and hit him with your left palm as your right foot goes forward. He
forward on its toes. Now, taking your right foot straight forward takes his right foot back and strikes with his right fist. Counter by
and then to the right (but aligned directly to the front), your right taking a step forward with your left foot, rolling up with your right
arm turns up to guard your forehead as your left palm pumps for- hand to deflect his right strike and palming his heart with your
ward. Now, take your left foot straight ahead, then left, and put right hand. Don't deflect his punches too high: the closer he is, the
it down facing directly to the front. Roll your left arm up in front better you can counter! As with most of the Forms, Scrape can be
of your forehead and pump forward with your right palm. done as effectively against a leading left hand as against a right.
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