Page 19 - DNA Distribution Strategy
P. 19


                  Personal Connection                                               Modernize

                          With Distributors                         E-Commerce platform or Affliate option for salons by Nov
            *Video meeting once per quarter - review & plan     Social Media, E-Commerce,Retail Retenetion Salon Class by Sept
         *Work with a DSC in person or digitally 3 days per week            Social Media Prospecting starting May
      Digital Conferences Apr & Aug  + In person in Brooklyn - Oct      Social Media Lead Generation Test starting July
                        With Salons / Stylists                             Dynamic Digital Conferences for Salons
        *Email Communication Calendar / Plan starting Q2 2021      Rydoo for Marketing Allowance and Color Swap Claims - Apr
         *"DNA Salon Family" Facebook Group starting Q2 2021                Rydoo for Education Allowance by Jun
            "Community Connect" meetings - (data pending)         Digital Education - Every SBP to attend at least one digital class
            "Sustainable Business" Classes - (data pending)    10% of Marketing Allowance for B2B Social Media Lead Generation
               "Living Rooming Chats" - (data pending)
                          With Educators
                   Video meeting - (data pending)
                       TTTs - (data pending)
                     Gathering - (date pending)
                Guest Artist Meetings - (data pending)
                Acquisition - Retention                                     Clarity - Transparency

       Open New Accts - (250 DSCs x 3 accounts x $2000) = 1.5M      Canada - Amazon / E-commerce - 1 month prior to launch
              Digital Prospecting Events - 1 per distributor                    Contract for distributors by Jun
        SalesForce Lead Management - Updated by every Friday       Share tips to counteract e-commerce cannibalization by May
      Increase SBPs - Each TM to open 5 SBPs by end of Q2 = 90K
        Open 5 new color SBPs for every 20 SBPs not using color
      Heart of Glass - Reach 75% penetration of SBPs by end of Q2
    Lose less than 10% of existing SBP accounts to competitors in 2021
      2 SPIFF Campaigns - (250 DSCs x 2 accounts x $1000) = 500K
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