Page 7 - News from New Hope Charities.indd
P. 7


        At the conclusion of summer camp, New Hope
        transitioned into a virtual learning center.
        Students would arrive at the family center at
        7:30am for breakfast then log into their classes
        with the assistance of staff. At the end of the
        school day, students transitioned into after-
        school program activities.

           The annual Toy-give-away took place on December 13th, 2020.
           Toys were distributed to students outdoors while observing social
           distancing guidelines, additionally toys were distributed to local
           childcare agencies.

                                                                                     New Hope Charities extends
                                                                                     many thanks to the HASBRO
                                                                                     Gift  of  Play  Program  for
                                                                                     their generous donation. We
                                                                                     couldn't do it without you!

           Our agency’s ability to continue providing services while maintaining the safety of staff, children

           and families is a testament to the dedication of the New Hope staff. As this pandemic has played
           out, the staff at New Hope never lost their desire to continue providing services to those in need.

           New Hope met every challenge and delivered thanks to the tireless efforts of our frontline workers

           who never wavered in their commitment to making a difference.
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