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                                                   DR. EVA MARIE CODAMON-DUGYON
                                                   University President

                    We are pleased to present and share with you this 8-Year Strategic Plan for the Ifugao State
             University (IFSU) which serves as a blueprint that will guide our path forward.

                    This Strategic Plan is a living document that represents the voice, efforts and insights of our
             various stakeholders: university administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, Local Government
             Units (LGUs), other government agencies, and the communities that we serve. Thus, it embodies
             what the key stakeholders aspire for the University in the years ahead which is reflected in the new
             IFSU Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO). This Plan, inspired by phronetic leadership and
             guided by our core Values—Excellence, Integrity, Faith, Service, Creativity and Cultural Sensitivity
             is thus seen as instrumental in moving IFSU to a new level of excellence in our major thrusts and
             services to the students and other stakeholders here and abroad.

                    Inspired by the words of Stephen Covey, who said, “Begin with the end in mind”, we crafted
             this  8-Year        Strategic Plan with a commitment to change the status quo taking into consideration
             the development priorities of the national and local governments, the ASEAN integration, the fast
             changing landscape of higher education, and the  challenges and opportunities for IFSU, among
             others. Hence, the IFSU Strategic Plan is anchored on the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) which
             serves as the roadmap for the “Ambisyon 2040” championed by the Duterte administration. Certainly,
             IFSU recognizes the role it plays in contributing to the achievement of the PDP and Cordillera Regional
             Development Plan (CRDP) targets in the three pillars, namely: Malasakit (Enhancing the social fabric),
             Pagbabago (Reducing inequality) and Patuloy na Pag-unlad (Increasing growth potential). As a
             public higher education institution (HEI), IFSU takes cognizance of its responsibility in accelerating
             human resource development to reduce inequality, and in fostering research and innovation to
             increase growth potential. Likewise, this plan supports the socio-economic development goals of the
             province of Ifugao and its municipalities especially on poverty alleviation, and on the preservation
             and conservation of Ifugao indigenous knowledge and practices for cultural identity. While the
             IFSU Strategic Plan corresponds to the local needs, it  also responds to the demands of the current
             trends in higher education such as internationalization, digitization, transnational education, among

                    These underpin IFSU’s vision – “A globally recognized university upholding excellence amidst
             rich  cultural heritage”,  which  encapsulates our  aspiration to  advance the  stature  of  IFSU  in the
             international  arena while promoting  and sustaining our  cultural identity and heritage.  Indeed,
             the University’s vision also articulates our desire to establish our niche through excellent services in
             instruction, research and extension, and quality specialized outputs/products, capitalizing on the
             Ifugao rich cultural heritage which makes us unique. In keeping with this, we will create an enabling
             environment that cultivates the culture of quality and excellence, and that supports the idea of
             “thinking local and acting global”, which will be the central components of IFSU’s ideology and
             institutional branding. In this way, IFSU’s existence as a public HEI will   remain relevant and bear
             profound and positive impact on the communities – local and global.

                    It is hoped then that this Strategic Plan will provide us the engine and inspiration to change
             the status quo and respond to the challenges and opportunities before us. We know that we laid
             down a challenging  trajectory for IFSU. But we also strongly believe that there is no great challenge
             that we cannot surmount if we all work together, hand in hand and side by side, with a strong faith
             that God has designed and empowered us to be like eagles. Isaiah 40:31 says, “but those who
             hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not
             grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” As believers in the Almighty GOD, we ought to be like
             EAGLES, never content to roost in a sparrow’s nest!

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