Page 2 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - May June 2022
P. 2
Historical Museum and Welcome Center
It was nearly 10 years ago, at a Town Board meeting on June
12 , 2012, the first mention of constructing a “historical muse-
um and welcome center” on the old Finch Farm House property,
purchased from the Nature Conservancy, was entered into the
public record. At the time it was suggested that the Blue Mt.
Lake Museum be contacted to obtain professional advice. Many,
many things have changed during the past 10 years, and the
Town Board has not lost the vision of our predecessors.
June 28 , 2016 an entry was made into the town board meeting
minutes stating, “The Special Project Committee has recom-
mended that “Newcomb Welcome Center” be the official name
for the welcome center project. As time passed, there were
many meetings held concerning the future plans on developing a
town center near the towns Overlook Park, Town Medical Cen-
ter, Recreation Field and municipal High Peaks Golf Course.
March 10 , 2020 “Motion was made by Councilman Olbert to
authorize Supervisor Deloria to sign the contract with the Dept.
of State to go forward with the grant award for the Newcomb
Welcome Center. Seconded by Councilman LaCourse and car-