Page 6 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - May June 2022
P. 6
Letter of Appreciation
I would like to Thank Everyone who has helped me for the past
several months. It has been a very difficult time for me both
mentally as well as physically. I feel very Blessed to live in a
town where people care.
Thank you to the Newcomb Rescue squad/ Fire Department,
Kevin Bolan, Newcomb Central School, Town of Newcomb,
Robin DeLoria. For coming to my Aid and setting up services
and meals. Linda Stringer, Terry Tuner, Chucky Canon, Kelly
I’d like to also thank those for Prayers, cards, meals, food and
coming to visit and staying with me and helping me around the
house. Jim and Ruthanne Bunnell, Ray Bush, Jackie LaCourse,
Brenda Sage, Nancy and Mike Tracy, Phyllis Montanye, Robin
Reardon, Lana Fennessey. And everyone else. You’ll have made
a difficult time a little less difficult.
Words can not express how grateful I am for each and every-
one of you. I’m not 100% and still recovering, but I just want
you all to know.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Suzann Stith