Page 41 - Team Member Handbook Aug 2020.docx
P. 41
Scrub tops of hands, palms, between fingers and under nails.
Rinse under water with hands pointed down.
Dry hands with paper towels.
Turn off the water faucet with a towel before disposing of it.
2. Wear disposable gloves while cleaning up blood, bloody saliva, urine, feces, or vomit,
especially if there is a skin rash or open cut on your hands. If skin contact is made with these
substances, wash the affected areas with soap under running water and immediately report
the Exposure Incident to the Program Director.
3. Follow the Diaper Changing Procedure each and every time a child’s diaper is changed.
4. Change gloves after contact with each child. Throw away disposable gloves after each use.
Wash hands after wearing the gloves.
5. Place disposable diapers in a plastic garbage bag.
6. Supervise toilet trained/training children to ensure that they wash their hands well after
using the rest room.
7. Wear disposable gloves when assisting a toilet trained/training child during toileting
8. Clean up blood, OPIM and unknown spills on surfaces with bleach alternative solution
provided by the Center.
Team members are required to report any incident of exposure to blood or OPIM to their
immediate supervisor. Additionally, the team member is required to complete an Exposure
Control Incident Report. The team member can obtain a copy of the exposure control
incident report from the Chief Financial Officer.
The completed Exposure Control Incident Report must be turned in to the Chief Financial
Officer within 1 hour of the exposure incident.
An Exposure Incident Occurs when a team member comes in direct contact with or thinks they
may have come in direct contact with another person’s blood or OPIM. Should a team member
wearing personal protective equipment (i.e. Gloves) get blood on the personal protective
equipment, an exposure incident would only occur if the personal protective equipment were
to be breached in some manner (i.e. A torn or broken glove). Failure to report an exposure
incident and/or complete and turn in the Exposure Control Incident Report as outlined
above will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Jack & Jill Children’s Center will make available to the team member or volunteer the following
within 24 hours of an Exposure Incident at Jack & Jill Children’s Center’s expense: laboratory
tests, including testing the team members blood, Hepatitis B Vaccination (if the team member
has not been previously vaccinated against Hepatitis B) and a medical evaluation performed by
a licensed medical professional. The team member has the right to decline any, or all of the
above if they so choose. The team member is required to complete an Exposure Control
Consent Form indicating the choices they have made.
All team members are required to strictly adhere to the Universal/Standard Precautions
Procedures as outlined in the Universal/Standard Precautions Policy Number 3.6 to control