Page 167 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 167

in-breathing out phenomenon phenomenon the inflate-deflate phenomenon phenomenon What I am saying here means each practitioner practitioner should experience his or or her her own physical phenomena phenomena For new practitioners we rely on on initially observing what are the phenomena phenomena around our our bodies For examples while our our mind is unburdened and comfortable when we we we we breathe breathe breathe breathe in in in experience experience clearly clearly the the the the the the air air that that we we we we breathe breathe breathe breathe in in in When we we we we breathe breathe breathe breathe out out also experience experience experience clearly clearly the the the the the the the the air air that that we we we we breathe breathe breathe breathe out out Have the the the the the the mindfulness to experience experience the the the the the the changes changes of of our our breathing
By following and experiencing the the the the changes changes of of our our breathing
this is is called “Experiencing the the the the the breathing
in-breathing out phenomenon ” While we breathe in in in in in in in in in the the the the the the the the breath breath breath breath breath is is is like like a a a a a a a a a a a thread moving in in in in in in in in in to the the the the the the the the innermost part then then there is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a halting phenomenon phenomenon then then the the the the the the the the breath breath breath is is is exhaled like like a a a a a a a a a a a a thread or a a a a a a a a a a a a wave No matter how far the the the the the the phenomenon phenomenon goes goes we we follow follow follow and and experience experience it it it there If it it it goes goes past our nose we we we we follow follow follow until it it it it stops When we we we breathe in in in again we we we just follow follow follow and and experience experience experience the the the the changes changes in in in in the the the the the the phenomenon experience experience how how it it changes changes If anyone feels that that they they already know how how to to add happiness then they they should use that that that happy mind to to follow and experience experience changes changes in in in the the the the the breaths The phrase “experience the the changes” does not mean that that we force

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