Page 169 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 169

This is is is called following and experiencing the physical phenomena that constantly change for for us to to to experience There is is is no no need for for practitioners to to to fabricate to to to make up Furthermore by following and experiencing changes in in in in this way if the the the breath finishes disappears— then we must clearly experience that that it it has disappeared There is is is is is no need to force it it We should further observe that that after the the the the breath has has disappeared has has become empty light uncluttered—then what phenomenon phenomenon emerges after the the the the breath The physical phenomenon phenomenon here is is is is the the the the principal natural natural condition condition and and is is is is the the the the present natural natural condition condition condition While following and and experiencing the the the the the breath breath this is is is is is called having the the the the breath breath as the the the the present natural condition condition Anyone who is is is currently following and experiencing the the the the the inflate-deflate inflate-deflate phenomenon phenomenon the the the inflate-deflate inflate-deflate phenomenon phenomenon is is the the the present natural natural condition for for that person Therefore we we should clearly discern our our own natural natural condition (sabhava dhamma) If we we wish our our mind mind to to to be serene to to to have have more more concentration to to to have have more more mindfulness—then indeed we should rely on on on on on on on the the the the contemplation of the the the the inhale-exhale phenomenon phenomenon the the inflate-deflate phenomenon phenomenon However for those who when they observe back at their

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