Page 175 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 175

phenomenon to see how how it it it changes how how it it it emerges and ceases Do it it it alternately in in in this way When the the breath has completely disappeared the the luminous mind just now becomes more more alert clearer or or or or more more serene serene than before Whatever happens experience it it clearly Be still then observe the the the mind mind that is is is serene serene serene see how it it it it it changes Enter and investigate the the the serene serene serene mind: Is it it it it it expansive is is is is is is it it it it it heavy or or light is is is is is is it it it it it solid stable secure or or is is is is is is is it it it it it deeply serene serene and utterly silent? This This is is is is is is is what we need to experience experience clearly This This is is is is is experiencing within the the the the experience experience experience To contemplate the the the the the the the silence the the the the the the the serenity the the the the the the the lightness the the the the the the the clarity—this is is is is to experience experience the the the the the the the mind mind mind within the the the the the the the mind mind mind The mind mind mind is is is is is silent and serene it it it is is is is is light clear solid secure stable—these are are are characteristics of of the the the the state of of mind When there there are are are no no no external natural conditions emerging emerging when there there are are are no no no physical phenomena emerging emerging There is is is only the the the the mind mind mind When we experience the the the the mind mind mind within the the the the the mind mind mind mind this is is is called “citta nupassana satipatthana) The The willful contemplation of of the the the phenomenon of of the the the mind mind that currently exists—to experience how how it it it it changes how how it it it it emerges-ceases We do this with with contentment with with the aim to to willfully contemplate However after we we have investigated—the mind feels

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