Page 190 - Extinguishment of Self
P. 190

we hear experiencing experiencing the the the emergence-cessation emergence-cessation of of the the the physical sensations sensations that that emerge emerge emerge emerge experiencing experiencing the the the the the emergence-cessation emergence-cessation of of the the the the the mental sensations sensations that that emerge emerge emerge Once our mind has the the the the the wisdom to to experience clearly the the the the Law of the the the the Trilaksana in in this way whatever natural condition that emerges cannot exist for too long Why? Because it it is is beyond the the strength of the the mind mind to to to hold onto The mind mind that has already experienced experienced experienced experienced unburdeness experienced experienced experienced experienced freedom experienced experienced experienced experienced serenity experienced experienced experienced experienced lightness and comfort—it will will become wiser it it it it it will will not latch onto those natural natural conditions for for too long It may move in in in to to to to contemplate to to to to mingle (with the natural natural conditions) momentarily However as as soon as as it it it it it senses heaviness it it it it it it will will will draw back back back it it it it it it will will will let go go It It will will will go go back back back to to the unburdeness back back back into serenity This is is is because it it it it it has has a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a refuge an alternative It It has has already experienced what is is is is the good place place to to to to go go to to to to so it it it will move to to to to that place place Therefore dhamma practice is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a very important foundation for for our our our lives lives This is is is is because it helps to develop our our our concentration- mindfulness-wisdom When we use use these in in in in our our our our everyday lives lives lives in in in in undertaking various activities and works—they benefit our our lives lives And when when we we cultivate vipassana when when we we meditate—which is 182

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