Page 21 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 21

 Summary of Findings and Recommendations for AREA I (VMGO) during the last Survey  conducted
               terms of:


           1. Newly  revised Vision and Mission of Isabela State University is being disseminated to students, faculty, parents
               and other stakeholders properly.
           2. As stated in the documents the revised Vision and Mission has been approved by the Board of Regents.
           3. The Vision and Mission has been translated in different languages for easy understanding of the people.

           Areas Needing Improvement

           1. The VMGO and the goals and objectives of the College are not posted in the affiliating hospitals/agencies.

           2. Difficulty in filing the documents of VMGO.


           1. The VMGO may be posted in affiliating hospitals/agencies and even public places where the people
              can be able to see.
           2. The  VMGO may be placed in OBE Syllabi and be part of the learning process of every
           3. Proper distribution of documents/activities may be practiced.

        Present the Summary of Ratings on the quantitative assessment on Area I

                   Present the Summary of Ratings on the quantitative assessment on Area I

              Parameter                                Numerical Rating         Descriptive Rating

          A  Statement of Vision, Mission, Goals and             4                    Excellent
          B  Dissemination and Acceptability                     4                    Excellent

                                               TOTAL             9
                                                MEAN            4.                    Excellent

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