Page 38 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 38

I...           The College/Academic Unit follows a system of

             2              formulating its goals and the objectives of the

                         STRATEGIC LANNIN

                              AME                     ORK

                                              TH  SAGE-U  PROC

                                    WHAT  1 THE' CURRIFNT
                                         5  5

                                 GOAl ESTABLISH ME           WHER            SITUAT[ON ASSESSMENT
                                 NT                          E

                                  WHAT W I Lt  BE  TH f  FUTU
                                  Rf     SITUATION?              FUTUR

                           _ lle SAfiE-U Model stan rui·for     fu.mre  ,ofThe  Projection  and
                         Tnons.Assessment                       pro    g:r.-amming  are  indispensable
                         Goal  Esta.hlislummt  (GE)  pmce,sge-s
                         (SA)11.pon,...tnch                     rompo:nents of  the de-si    .
                         are  g:r.-otmded and laund 1ed . Tlil.ese    SAfiE reqmres a deep er anialysis ,of
                         goals :me                              ilie Social , Technologi cal. Eronom1ii
                         then  Unpacked  (U)  into  strategic  goals   Em.ti  rnn mental, a!!'ld Political
                         and   objec-  ves  to  d.r-ii,.'e  3!!'1  ,overall   {S"FEEP) contexts  within wh.ich. the
                         development  direction  for  ilie11.niV>e-  urniv,ersity ]S placieo!. It  is a  holistiic and
                         1-sity.                                e:cl.1ausnve prooe-ss of situation
                               Situation  assessment  InitW1ya!nd    assessment
                                                                      To ensure that all the a!I"eas ;are
                         erlens:ively  11e-"J;,"Dlves  aroll.lid  the   ,oove11erl, situation acgge-ss lil.UM11t
                         evalua tion                            1Aras further  supplement.ed by tihe
                         ,ofcWTie-nt  mnditii.o:ns  ba  ed  on   applicatiio:n ,of gener a.l!  Iy aooe,p"L\ed
                         t:angihle                              St111:M1gbhs, Weaknesses, Oppor
                         e11Viil-01mrents·, availabl.e data,, intle-  tunime-s and Oh alle,nges {S\tVOc:J
                         mal and                                analysis.
                         externa l revier.liS', as well as local, l\   The outputs becan1e tihe funnda.tion
                         ona!.                                  stlra:begic goials·.
                         :c:md national policy sta L\en1eI11ts.       Bot h tihe SAGE-U arnd S\tVOC
                         Prom the                                     mod-
                         ,ClJ rrent .scenarios.,,  he prooe-ss·e
                         ventually  slriifts int o clrnosingthe   ,e,ls1,-.-,e,re de-\.1e l oped iin 2011 as
                         i.nstitutio:n's de  s:rred fuh111e a!nd·tr
                         ando rmEn.g tihe-se i nto  ideal plans.   marks for tlil.e Isabela Stat.e University's
                         Accordmgly,t:ke enfil\e prrocess       StI-a  regic De velopment Plaimiing frame-
                         ,oo:nforms i;,vil h the funifa ment:al   1t1rork.
                         me:nts of a grounded situatiional as sess
                         ment. both the prest:mt and the
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