Page 41 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 41
I... The College/Academic Unit follows a system of
2 formulating its goals and the objectives of the
Th e dram atic increase i-1 both the nwnber d effect of nalll ral disas.ter5 continues tc
pose a ch allenge tc national governments, d a result, e)' must be 1'igilanl tc
evolving need,s which neces.sililtes a suddenshit i-1 pol ic)' d program
implementation pi orilies., wlwdi wo uld result in p olic y issues. th at would affect
inslitulic n geAC)' s• ategic planning.
The oonsequences. of a 5udden ch ge i-1 the heallh E!fl'IIW0fllllent
may have an impact on or delav the ind ementa1ion af strategic plans.
W ile the lnterne was o:rty conceived about two decades ag□, · 5 pol e n ial is sliU
b eing realized □day thro,.gh the widespraad adoptio social leam· ng and
networking .p plicalion5·, ndicaling ha edhn□l ogy oflen □u strips society's ability to
fully .p praciate its benefits. The is e of wt.i.l in eraction can beaime ingrained in how
Teo hno log ic.i institutions wall.. elay into responding the call for tee ool□g ic al ad'w ancemen ma'I'
l ha:m·per the ei;iic n s. As a result, sire: i;ithen ing anline
eduCGJ i □n b :,i pr ovid"ng on-demand s. ppart fur course developrnerrt and delivery,
as well iil5 advOCGJ in g for processes, policies, iilnd s.u pporl s clures
to impr□'we
s.tuderrt and institu ianal read· es.s. ma'I' rema:i an implementil ion queslio .
e e C011110 rnie en'a'i ronmen in which an org anizatioln operates is constantly
Eco :n changing, and major :sh ifts in the ecanom'{:s direction OVE1 he cow se a a year can
omic force miiln agemerrt to adjust il5 :strategies an resou ce alloca ian.
Cim ate- ch ange data. a5 well as clea- value iil!i-:5e5 sm ent:s abou the rela ive
impartanc:e of presen versus. rutwe impacts, as wel as human health versus
ecolagical impacts, can be us ed 10 produce a compara ive over.I haz. rd:s li s.t fot"
s.'lrategic plan implementaticn .
Em erg ing i ctioos disease risk plan that uses a multidisciplinary research
approach o instill readiness 1a po enlially dra:sl i c ecological cha nge can have an
elfeci on e expecled target implemen ation of s'lraieQies .
Th e curre nt c:ond ilian5, which been brous,rt on by a. 5Udden m ange i-1
e conomic d envionmental pra.clices as • result af the emergence af new infectious
Pmilicill diseasel!i, could result iin a :shill iin lie executive and legislimYe b ran che5 a
govenwnenf s pn!fogalives, which may in.. ence the str.ategic p lan5' c:ou r5 e of
a ction.