Page 42 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 42
I... The College/Academic Unit follows a system of
2 formulating its goals and the objectives of the
logl:;al l"la l?E"'1tt """"
Ob1Hr.11ni&ia M N aunible lru flr!2mf8 1Miea™1 o1' V lllf lmoorlaJII A:a8llr.n.11Uoo
Goal: INe,y a·
S.S fail>:d aoa<!emi<: e:«:elerooe in 11\e- Hli l •IJ!lp o.rt of the admirisiration
il struction· ti,e fields of busini, ss and related OQD i, S<>me• or prog"' ms of tt-e C<Jleg e,(llS A. 8:PAam CMQ
BSBA) AACOU P Sun ey Res..,
prograr:ns """"ld ati o, o of ""'9rarns (L.,,,.I Ill & 1\1) PRC booru exam rew ts Ocmmi:rnent al fa"-llty
lmpro'lea ;a'l'eirage pss:si :scae il licensur, e e Av'ala bilfy al hrds1budget
:GJrmin.aifun:s (BS Certi:late a i' mg ra:m
"""'°"llla:l>O\'l C:n nmli..D:P
i>JI programs of lhe ooUege y;iU, COl'G Tracer 5tl!ldy
Ira = • • employabii'l' of gradwtes
Improved q.ialfy a instrucaon in e 111d ergraduate NUl1llber af BSA • sers PRC booru exam reso 1-n,pruvemerrt of faciR:iesJcll
programs o college, N LJl1llber a ,ernpoy,,d graduates wiim too years aftB gra d!lali ts Tracer 5.1i!dy ssrooms i' ro curernent of
m Rei:ist,:ati,n doru labo.ratarv eQ.Ju,rnent rn
Number a •er<ollee, ·1 re, m en and transterees ) meflt5 oruvernern of ilrlemei comectMly
H ig!llened teacmg and learning efix:ioer,cy and NUl1llber a fac uiy trainedon sma rt edtl,ation1/1LTht Certilioaie of attendance rn ,pl'D'l'ed cla SST<)C"'1S
e:ffecti\oeni,ss Certilioa!e of parti patim
NL1m be r offac:1Jt,r trai111edlre toa'8d ion OBE· IIHir Ocmmi:rnenl al farutty
lields al
speciai zal:i:mJ Coi-, s of modulesJIMs Conduci,e teacl-s,g--lea...-g
NLJmber of m<><lileesi'IMs de-i<lape.,rprepa,ed and odzed environ
Sl!JJ)l)Ort of admiristraoon
Acl r, il ie.:
j M qpiio,:n of al:"""'""' le.aming m adali:ies , NUl1llber a tea<ti r,g-12-arm g mcxlaltiesimplemented """'°rnplishm.ent re-J>M• 1-n.P'°" "'" ent of i'ltemet ooMe«Mly
inlro, e
blan<!ed learning learm g, onli e . modular
appro,a,cl,es N" mber off acLJly lr aioed/reloaledon OBE· IIHir lields ol Certilioa!e of parti patim Slllj>j>Ort of aomirislrati
a:oo fac,a-t <>-face leamir,g soecial zatimJ m Av'aiao ilfy a hrds
2 Capamy · i..,g amd rEloaling of [acuity N" mber a ·lab,equipmaniJ!a <liilies p,ooued Meimorard.Jlil'II reeeipts
Enha:ooed and rn pro-,ed cu:n::tJ!m CDpy a re;i sed/enila;noed
2 Prncuremeni of lal>Jratocy equipmervlaoiliies cm i:>,hwn
3 OL>'OOllum e-ma:ooe-rne nt Number a ·ciassroomslla.bcratorf roi:ms repaired a:nd Ocdar i'lspec:tt:il'I
Prepared by:
4 Repai- a:oo rr\P'"""ment of clas.sroor:ns and
laboratc,y J OSE P. GALIJEHA, J lt
Sigr,anr,,°""' printed nam
af Callege/Ofli::e H'e,ad
Designation ID"5 i