Page 106 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
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a short stint at Platinum Bank as Vice President and   from Obafemi Awolowo University, a Masters Degree
               Group Head Performance Management Group before     which he finished with a distinction average, and a PhD
               returning to Guaranty Trust Bank in October 2003.     from the same university.
               On  returning  to  Guaranty  Trust  Bank  Plc,  he  was   He  is  a  Chartered  Accountant  (Fellow),  graduate
               seconded to Budget Office of the Federal Ministry of   member of the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers of
               Finance,  Abuja,  where  he  had  responsibility  for   Nigeria, having passed all the required exams and also
               developing  and  implementing  recurrent  expenditure   a  Chartered  member  of  the  Institute  of  Taxation  in
               strategy  for  the  Federal  Government  of  Nigeria.  He   Nigeria.  He  attended  strategy,  entrepreneurial  and
               also  played  a  crucial  role  in  developing  and   other advance management programmes in Harvard
               implementing  the  reform  initiatives  of  the  Federal   Business School, Boston, Wharton Business School,
               Government  of  Nigeria  especially  in  the  area  of   Philadelphia  both  in  the  USA,  Melbourne Institute  of
               Budgeting,   Public   Expenditure   Control   and   Finance,  Australia,  IMD  Lausanne  Switzerland  and
               Management.  He  was  however,  recalled  to  oversee   Cambridge University’s Judge Business School.
               GTBank‘s  Corporate  Planning,  Strategy,  Financial
               Control and Group Coordination groups.             Demola is currently an Executive Director responsible
                                                                  for the International Banking Division in the Bank. He
               Demola’s  experience  covers  Consulting,  Auditing,   is  a  Director  in  all  Guaranty  Trust  Bank  Plc’s
               Capital  Markets,  Public  Sector,  Academics  and   subsidiaries,  Terra  Kulture  Nigeria  Limited,  Sokoa
               Agriculture. He holds a First Class Honours first degree   Chair Centre Limited and 3 Peat Investment Limited.

               Mariam Olusanya, General Manager/Divisional Head Wholesale Banking Division

                                        Mrs. Olusanya is responsible for the Wholesale Banking Division of GTBank, which
                                        comprises of the Asset and Liability Management, Trading and Sales as well as the
                                        Corporate Finance Groups.

                                        She joined Guaranty Trust Bank in 1998, after 2 years at Smithkline Beecham Nigeria
                                        (now GlaxoSmithkline – GSK). She had a short stint in Transactions Services and later
                                        moved  to  the  Bank’s  Treasury  Group  in  1999.  She  managed  the  local  and  foreign
                                        currency  trading  desks  before  becoming  the  Bank’s  Chief  Dealer  in  2003  and
                                        subsequently,  Treasurer  in  2004.  In  2006,  she  led  the  team  that  secured  the
                                        appointment of the Bank as a Primary Dealer/ Market Maker in Federal Government of
                                        Nigeria (FGN) Bonds with the Debt Management Office (DMO). This was repeated when
               the Bank was also appointed a Money Market Dealer in Nigerian Treasury Bills by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

               Mrs. Olusanya holds a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science degree from the University of Ibadan (1995) and a Masters
               of Business Administration (Finance and Accounting) from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (2011). She
               also obtained the professional ACI (Association Cambiste Internationale) Dealing certification - The Financial Markets
               Association. She has attended various courses and Executive programmes at institutions such as the Cranfield School
               of Management. She serves on the Board of Guaranty Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited as a non-executive Director.

               Mr. Benjamin Carr

               Mr. Benjamin Carr is a graduate of Harvard University USA. His professional career
               spans over thirty nine years, eleven of which were in banking. He is a financial /private
               sector consultant and as well, a capacity building consultant.
               Mr.  Carr  is  trained  in  Economics,  Financial  Policy  Analysis  and  Management  with
               practical knowledge in banking and research method.
               He  has  also  provided  management  consulting,  training,  technical  assistance  and
               research services for the Government of The Gambia, Ghana, USAID, local agencies of
               the World Bank, NGOs and private companies.
               Mr Carr has several Board Memberships.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

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