Page 102 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 102

Appendix III: Shareholder Information

                                                                                  Dec-20        Dec-19
                 Guaranty Trust Bank PLC                                          77.81%        77.81%

                 Amadou Samba                                                     12.91%        12.91%
                 Minkailou Semega Janneh                                          0.20%         0.20%
                 Dr.AdhiamboOdaga                                                 0.91%         0.91%

                 Great Alliance Insurance Company                                 0.15%         0.15%
                 Quantum Associates                                               0.21%         0.21%

                 Dr. Uriel Able Thomas                                            1.28%         1.28%
                 Staff Investment Trust                                           2.59%         2.59%
                 Receiver Trustee (Government of The Gambia)                      1.59%         1.59%

                 Mr. Edward Graham                                                 0.35%        0.42%
                 Mr. Walid Bourgi                                                 1.44%         1.44%

                 Sola Mahoney                                                     0.09%         0.09%
                 Baboucarr M. Sarr                                                0.07%         0.07%
                 Kadijatou Graham                                                 0.40%         0.33%

                                                                                 100.00%       100.00%

               Mr. Edward Graham transferred D200, 000 shares to Kadijatou Graham in January 2021.

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020
                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           100
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107