Page 99 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 99

Acceptances, bonds, guarantees and other obligations for the account of customers:

                   In thousands of Dalasi                                            Dec.-2020     Dec.-2019
                   Contingent liabilities:
                   Acceptances and guaranteed commercial papers                          -              -
                   Transaction related bonds and guarantees                           43,449         64,556
                   Customer Bonds                                                        -              -
                                                                                      43,449         64,556
                   short term foreign currency related transactions
                   Clean line facilities and letters of credit                        295,598       646,084
                   Other commitments                                                  413,910       432,695
                                                                                      752,957       1,143,335

               30. Related parties
               Related party transactions
               Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise influence
               over the other party in making financial and operational decisions, or one other party controls both. The
               definition includes parent company, affiliates, subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures as well as key
               management personnel. Below are the transactions between the Bank and other subsidiaries in the Group
               during 2020 All transactions were carried out at arm’s length.

                            Balan   Balan  Balan  Balan  Balan  Balan   Balan  Balan
                            ces     ces    ces    ces    ces    ces     ces
                            held    held   held   held   held   held    held   ces    Time   Plac  Plac  Placem
                                                                               held   Depo   eme   eme
                            with    with   with   with   with   with    with   with    sit    nt    nt     ent
                            other   other   other   other   other   other   other   other
                            Banks   Banks   Banks   Banks   Banks   Banks   Banks
                  Currencies    USD     GBP     EUR     CHF     SEK     DKK     CAD     CFA     USD    EUR    USD     GBP
                  2020        ‘000    ‘000    ‘000    ‘000   ‘000    ‘000     ‘000    ‘000    ‘000    ‘000   ‘000    ‘000
                  GTB Sierra
                  Leone LTD                                                           1,006
                  GTB Cote
                  D’Ivoire                                                     9,514
                  GTB UK
                  Limited   1,132   268    702    66,477   1,000          -    37,594           1,200   4,600   650
                  GTB Cote
                  D’Ivoire                                                     6,916
                  GTB UK    1,172   106    656    23,128   1,000   1,759   5,297            2,200   3,400   550

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020
                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           97
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104