Page 96 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 96
Allowance for impairment
31-Dec-20 31-Dec-19
D'000 D'000
Balance at the beginning of the year 28,565 7,223
IFRS 9 impact - -
Impairment loss for the year
Charge for the year 4,905 19,645
Impairment of Contingents 263 1,407
Recoveries (23,840) (1,016)
Write offs - 1,306
Balance at the end of the year 9,893 28,565
27 (a). Other liabilities
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2020 Dec.-2019
Liability for defined contribution obligations - -
Deferred income on financial guarantee contracts - -
Creditors and accruals 19,123 23,994
Other Deposits – LC’s / BC’s 269,762 26,471
Other Deposits – Cash Shipment 2,457 5,527
Accrued Expenses 21,970 23,993
FX outflow suspense - 69,887
Sundry Expenses 29,652 11,059
MoneyGram money transfer 3,905 2,042
Deposit for new accounts 236 1,363
Output VAT 1,344 1,214
Other current liabilities - -
348,449 165,550
Current 348,449 165,550
Non-current - -
27(b). Lease obligation
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2020 Dec.-2019
As at 1st January 2020 58,623 104,214
Additions - -
Accretion of interest 5,016 4,705
payments (8,269) (50,296)
As at 31st December 2020 55,370 58,623
The Bank had total cash outflows for leases of D8, 269 in 2020.
The undiscounted maturity analysis of lease liabilities at 31 December 2020 is as follows:
The maturity analysis of lease liabilities are disclosed below. Annual Report 2020
Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 94