Page 53 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 53

Information about operating segments December 2019

               In thousands of                         Retail&                             Public
               Gambian Dalasi           Corporate      SME      Commercial    Treasury    Sector
                                         Division     Division     Division     Division     Group     Total
                Derived from external
               customers                 182,519     117,941      89,845      203,973     43,453     637,731
                Total Revenue            182,519     117,941      89,845      203,973     43,453     637,731
                Interest expenses         (209)      (12,342)     (6,134)     (33,286)    (799)      (52,770)
                Fee and commission
               expenses                  (5,542)      (424)       (4,842)      (2,565)    (4,836)    (18,209)
                Net operating income     176,768     105,175      78,869      168,122     37,818     566,751
                Expense:                                                                                -
                Operating expenses       (96,778)   (115,319)     (27,134)    (22,902)   (22,357)   (284,490)
               Credit loss expense on
               financial assets          (2,818)     (3,431)      (13,019)     (9,100)    (197)      (28,565)
               Depreciation of property,
               equipment and
               Amortisation of intangible
               assets                    (15,991)    (14,087)     (12,212)    (11,780)    (8,562)    (62,632)
                Total Cost              (115,587)   (132,837)     (52,365)    (43,782)   (31,116)   (375,687)
               Segment Profit before
               income tax                61,181      (27,662)     26,504      124,340     6,702      191,065
               Income tax expense        (15,019)     7,469       (6,439)     (36,124)    (2,810)    (52,923)
                Profit for the year      44,162      (20,192)     20,065       88,216     3,892      138,142

                Assets and liabilities:
                Total assets             853,336    2,704,654     441,281    2,529,584   400,721    6,929,575
                Total liabilities       (711,575)   (4,475,615)   (305,970)   (245,966)  (385,817)  (6,124,944)
               Net Assets/ (Liabilities)    141,761   (1,770,961)   135,311   2,283,618   14,904     804,631

                Loans and advances to
               customers                 388,794     382,053      263,913      10,651     10,700    1,056,111
                Others                   464,541    2,322,601     177,368    2,518,933   390,021    5,873,464
                Total assets             853,335    2,704,654     441,281    2,529,584   400,721    6,929,575

                Deposits from
               customers                 394,229    4,662,397     255,668     209,191    355,790    5,877,275
                Others                   317,347    (186,782)     50,302       36,775     30,027     247,669
                Total liabilities        711,576    4,475,615     305,970     245,966    385,817    6,124,944

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020
                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           51
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58