Page 84 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 84

11. Personnel expenses

                   Personnel                                                    Dec.-2020          Dec.-2019
                   Wages and Salaries                                            129,191            119,533
                  Pension costs - defined contribution plan                             656           2,960
                   Other staff cost                                                  6,677            4,686
                                                                                 136,524            127,179

                  Personnel                                                      Dec.-2020          Dec.-2019

                                                                                  Number             Number
                   Executive Directors                                               2                  3
                   Management                                                       26                 26
                   Non-management                                                   193                201
                   Contract Staff                                                   156                149
                                                                                    377                379

               Staff loans
               Staff received loans at below the market interest rate. These loans are measured at fair value at initial
               recognition. The difference between the PV of cash flows discounted at the contractual rate and PV of
               cash flows discounted at market rate has been recognised as prepaid employee benefit which is
               amortised to personnel expense (other staff cost) over the life of the loan.

               12. General and administrative expenses

                   In thousands of Gambian Dalasi                                 Dec.-2020         Dec.-2019
                   Stationery and postage                                           8,649             4,453

                   Business travel expenses                                         2,070             4,556
                   Advert, promotion and corporate gifts                           14,589             9,543

                   Repairs and maintenance                                         54,578             46,734
                   Occupancy costs                                                  2,570             18,299
                   Directors' emoluments                                            3,607             3,465
                   Contract Services                                                4,528             5,504

                                                                                   90,591             92,554

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           82
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89