Page 80 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 80

capital  (1.25%  of  risk  assets  and  hybrid     the business. The impact of the level of capital on
               instruments  –  convertible  bonds).  Banking      shareholders’ return is also recognized and the
               operations  are  categorized  mainly  as  trading   bank recognizes the need to maintain a balance
               book or banking book, and risk-weighted assets     between the higher returns that might be possible
               are    determined   according   to   specific      with  greater  gearing  and  the  advantages  and
               requirements  that  seek  to  reflect  the  varying   security afforded by a sound capital position.
               levels  of  risk  attached  to  the  assets  and  off-
               financial position exposures.                      The  Bank  and  its  individually  regulated
                                                                  operations  has  complied  with  all  externally
               The Bank’s policy is to maintain a strong capital   imposed  capital  requirements  throughout  the
               base so as to maintain investor, credit and market   year. There have been no material changes in the
               confidence and to sustain future development of    Bank’s management of capital during the year.

               Capital Adequacy Ratio
               The  capital  adequacy  ratio  is  quotient  of  the  bank’s  capital  base  and  its  risk-weighted  asset  base.  In
               accordance with the Central Bank of The Gambia regulations, a minimum ratio of 10% is to be maintained
               by commercial banks.

                   In thousands of Gambian Dalasi                         Dec.-2020           Dec.-2019
                  Tier 1 capital
                  Ordinary share capital                                  300,000             300,000
                  Retained earnings                                       225,412             129,758
                  Other reserves                                          359,471             323,962
                  Shareholders’ funds                                     884,883             753,720
                  Shareholders’ funds                                     884,883             753,720
                  Tier 2 capital                                              -                  -
                  Total                                                       -                  -
                  Total regulatory capital                                884,883             753,720
                  Risk-weighted assets                                   2,600,313           2,383,622
                  Capital ratios
                  Total regulatory capital expressed as a percentage
                  of total risk-weighted assets                             34%                 32%
                  Total tier 1 capital expressed as a percentage of
                  risk-weighted assets                                      34%                 32%

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

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