Page 78 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
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compliance with these limits and is assisted by Operational Risk
Risk Management in its day-to-day monitoring
activities. A summary of the Bank's interest rate Guaranty Trust Bank defines Operational Risk
gap position on trading and non-trading management (OpRisk) as “the direct/indirect risk
portfolios is as follows: of loss resulting from inadequate and/or failed
The Bank makes use of limit monitoring, internal process, people and systems or from
earnings-at risk gap analyses and scenario external events”. This definition requires the
analyses to measure and control the market review and monitoring of all strategies and
risks exposures within its trading and banking initiatives deployed in its people management,
books. process engineering and re-engineering,
The bank also performs regular stress tests on technology investment and deployment,
its banking trading books. In performing this, the management of all regulatory responsibilities
bank ensures there are quantitative criteria in and response to external threats. To ensure a
building the scenarios. The bank determines the holistic framework is implemented, Operational
effect of changes in funding sources and uses Risk Management also monitors Strategic and
on the bank's liquidity. The key potential risks reputational risk from a broad perspective.
the bank was exposed to from these instruments The following practices, tools and methodologies
were foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk have been implemented for this purpose:
(price risk, basis risk). However, all potential risk
exposures in the course of the year were • Risk and Control Self Assessments
successfully mitigated as mentioned above. (RCSAs)
The management of interest rate risk against
interest rate gap limits is supplemented by This is a qualitative risk identification tool
monitoring the sensitivity of the Bank's financial deployed bank-wide. All branches and Head-
assets and liabilities to various scenarios. Credit office departments are required to complete at
spread risk (not relating to changes in the least once a year. A risk-based approach has
been adopted for the frequency of RCSAs to be
obligor/issuer's credit standing) on debt
securities held by the Bank and equity price risk conducted by branches, departments, groups
and divisions of the bank. These assessments
is subject to regular monitoring by Bank
Management Risk committee, but is not enable risk profiling and risk mapping of the
currently significant in relation to the overall prevalent operational risks.
Risk assessment of the Bank's new and existing
results and financial position of the Bank.
products / services are also carried out. This
Interest rate movements affect reported equity in process also tests the quality of controls the
the following ways: bank has in place to mitigate likely risks: a
detailed risk register cataloguing key risks
• Retained earnings arising from increase identified and controls for implementation is also
or decrease in net interest income and developed and maintained from this process.
the fair value changes reported in profit Other Risk Assessments conducted include
or loss. Process Risk Assessments, Vendor Risk
Assessments and Fraud Risk Assessments.
• Fair value reserves arising form increase
or decrease in fair value of FVOCI • Key Risk Indicators (KRI)
financial instruments reported directly in
other comprehensive income. These are quantitative parameters defined for
the purpose of monitoring operational risk trends
across the bank. A comprehensive KRI
Overall non-trading interest rate risk positions
are managed by Treasury, which uses Debt dashboard is in place supported by specific KRIs
instruments, advances to banks and deposits for key departments in the bank. Medium to
from banks to manage the overall position High-risk trends are reported in the Monthly
arising from the Bank's non-trading activities. Annual Report 2020
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