Page 74 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 74

The principal tool used to measure and control     The bank traded in the following financial
               market risk exposure within the Bank's trading     instruments in the course of the year:
               portfolios is the open position limits using the
               Earning-at Risk approach. Specific limits          1.  Debt instruments at fair value through other
               (regulatory and in- house) have been set across    comprehensive income
               the various trading portfolios to prevent undue    2.  Debt instrument at amortised cost
               exposure and the market risk management Bank
               ensures that these limits and triggers are         3. Foreign currencies (Spot and Swaps)
               adhered to by the bank.
                                                                  4. Money market products
               The Bank has adopted the use of the Standardized Approach for calculating its required market risk

                                                             Less                                            More
                                                Carrying     than        3 to 6       6 to 12     1 to 5     than
                  In thousands of Gambian
                 Dalasi                           amount    3 months    months       months       years     5 years
                 Financial assets

                 Cash and cash equivalents      1,752,121  1,752,121            -            -          -         -
                 Financial assets held for
                 trading                                -          -            -            -          -         -

                 Derivative financial assets            -          -            -            -          -         -
                 Debt instruments Debt

                 – FVOCI                        3,944,897             -    38,520   3,906,377           -         -

                 – Amortized cost                704,723           -            -                    -      704,723   -

                 Assets pledged as collateral           -          -            -            -          -         -

                 Loans and advances to banks            -          -            -            -          -         -
                 Loans and advances to
                 customers                         958,433   22,217       40,587         48,834   494,318   352,477
                 Restricted deposits and other
                 assets                             5,296      5,296

                                                7,365,470  1,779,634       79,107   3,955,211  1,199,041   352,477
                 Financial liabilities

                 Deposits from banks                    -          -            -            -          -         -

                 Deposits from customers        6,994,743  2,579,631     282,904    4,132,208           -         -
                 Financial liabilities held for
                 trading                                -          -            -            -          -         -

                 Derivative financial liabilities       -          -            -            -          -         -

                 Other liabilities               403,819           -            -     403,819           -         -

                 Debt securities issued                 -          -            -                    -                  -    -    Annual Report 2020

                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           72
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79