Page 69 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 69

Repossessed collaterals:

               During the period, the Bank took possession of property amounting to GMD22.654million (2019:
               D18.495million) held as collateral against certain loans. The Bank obtained judgement for these
               properties and sold them.

               Details of repossessed collaterals during the period are shown below:

                                                                         Dec.-2020              Dec.-2019
                  Type                                                                     D

                   Property 1                                            5,500,000              3,654,630
                   Property 2                                            11,000,000             4,409,992
                   Property 3                                            1,279,057              5,228,444
                   Property 4                                            4,875,000              3,323,743
                   Property 5                                                 -                 1,878,018
                  Total                                                  22,654,057            18,494,827

               Liquidity risk
                   a)  Liquidity Risk Governance                  4.      Regular  monitoring  of  non-earning
               The board of directors retains ultimate            5.      Monitoring of deposit concentration
               responsibility for the effective management of     6.      Ensure diversification of funding sources
               liquidity risk. Through the Enterprise Risk        7.      Monitoring   of   level   of   undrawn
               Management Group (ERM), the board has              8.      Maintaining a contingency funding plan.
               delegated its responsibility for the management
               of liquidity risk to the Asset and Liability
               Management Committee (ALMAC).                         c)  Liquidity Risk Measurement
                   b)  Liquidity Risk                             There are two measures used for managing
                       Management                                 liquidity risk namely: liquidity ratio mechanism
                                                                  which is a statutory requirement from most
               A  brief  overview  of  the  bank's  liquidity     Central Bank in order to protect third party
               management processes during the year includes      deposits, and funding gap analysis of assets and
               the following:                                     liabilities.

                1.     Maintenance of minimum levels of liquid       i)      Liquidity ratios
                       and  marketable  assets  above  the
                       regulatory  requirement  of  30%.  The
                       Bank  has  also  set  for  itself  more    The key measure used for managing liquidity
                       stringent  in-house  limits  above  this   risk is the ratio of net liquid assets to deposits
                       regulatory  requirement  to  which  it     from customers. For this purpose, net liquid
                       adheres.                                   assets are considered as including cash and
                2.     Monitoring of its cash flow and balance    cash equivalents and investment grade debt
                       sheet  trends.  The  Bank  also  makes     securities for which there is an active and liquid
                       forecasts  of  anticipated  deposits  and   market less any deposits from banks, debt
                       withdrawals to determine their potential   securities issued, other borrowings and
                       effect on the Bank.                        commitment maturing within one month.
                3.     Regular  measurement  &  monitoring  of
                       its  liquidity  position/ratios  in  line  with   The liquidity position of the Bank remained
                       regulatory requirements and   in-house     strong in the course of the period and materially
                       limits                                     above the minimum liquidity ratio requirement of
                                                                  30% prescribed by the Central Bank of The          Annual Report 2020

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