Page 73 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 73

                 liabilities     224,174    224,174            -            -    224,174         -         -
                 issued                -           -           -            -           -        -         -
                 funds                 -           -           -            -           -        -         -

                               6,101,449  6,101,449    5,604,840      240,830    255,779         -         -
                  Gap (asset
                 - liabilities)                       (3,242,729)     563,625   2,607,963  420,530    11,052
                 liquidity gap                        (3,242,729)  (2,679,104)   (71,141)  349,389  360,441

               Exposure to Liquidity Risk                         Market risk is the risk that changes in market
                                                                  prices, such as interest rate, equity prices,
               The key measure used by the Bank for managing      foreign exchange rates and credit spreads (not
               liquidity  risk  is  the  ratio  of  net  liquid  assets  to   relating to changes in the obligor's/issuer's credit
               deposits  from  customer.  For  this  purpose,  net   standing) will affect the Bank's income or the
               liquid  assets  are  considered  as  including  cash   value of its holdings of financial instruments. The
               and cash equivalents and investment grade debt     objective of market risk management is to
               securities for which there is an active and liquid   manage and control market risk exposures
               market  less  any  deposits  from  banks,  debt    within acceptable parameter, while optimizing
               securities   issued,   other   borrowings   and    the return on risk.
               commitments maturing within the next month. A
               similar calculation is used to measure the Bank's   Management of Market Risk
               compliance with liquidity limit established by the
               Bank's  lead  regulator  (The  Central  Bank  of   The Bank separates its exposure to market risk
               Gambia).                                           between trading and non-trading portfolios.
                                                                  Trading portfolios are mainly held by the
               Settlement Risk                                    Treasury Division, and include positions arising
                                                                  from market making and proprietary position
               The Bank's activities may give rise to risk at the   taking, together with financial assets and
               time  of  settlement  of  transactions  and  trade.   liabilities that are managed on a fair value basis.
               Settlement risk is the risk of loss due to the failure   All foreign exchange risks within the Bank are
               of a company to honour its obligations to deliver   monitored by the Treasury Division. Accordingly,
               cash, securities or other assets as contractually   the foreign exchange position is treated as part
               agree.                                             of the Bank's trading portfolios for risk
               For  certain  types  of  transactions  the  Bank   management purposes.
               mitigates  this  risk  by  conducting  settlements   Overall authority for market risk is vested in
               through a settlement clearing agent to ensure that   Market Risk Management Unit. However, the
               a  trade  is  settled  only  when  both  parties  have   Market Risk Management Unit within the
               fulfilled  their  contractual  settlement  obligations.
               Settlement  limits  form  part  of  the  credit    Enterprise-wide Risk Management Division is
               approval/limit  monitoring  process  described     responsible for the development of detailed risk
               earlier.  Acceptance  of  settlement  risk  on  free   management policies (subject to review and
               settlement trade requires transaction specific or   approval by the Committee) and for the day-to-
               counterparty  specific  approvals  from  Bank  Risk   day review of their implementation.
               Management Unit.
                                                                  Exposure to Market Risk-Trading
               Market Risk                                        Portfolios
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78