Page 90 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 90

20. Debt instruments

                   In thousands of Gambian Dalasi                            Dec.-2020          Dec.-2019
                  Debt instruments measured at FVOCI
                   Treasury bills                                            3,923,444          3,140,522
                   Fair value adjustment                                          21,453             42,413
                                                                             3,944,897          3,182,935
                  Debt instruments measured at amortized cost:
                   Government bond                                            153,638              190,910
                   CBG bond                                                   551,085             220,121
                                                                              704,723            411,031
                   Total Debt instruments                                    4,649,620          3,593,966

                   Current                                                   4,649,620          3,593,966
                   Non-Current                                                   -                   -

               21(a). Property plant and equipment
                                      Leasehold                                               Capital
                 In thousands of
                Gambian Dalasi      improvement      Furniture &   Motor      Machinery       work-in     Total
                                    and buildings      Fittings    vehicle   &Equipment     - progress
                 Balance at 1        303,005         44,551        81,901     204,227        2,338       636,022
                January 2020
                Additions            (8,223)         (6,841)       708       18,184          (1,058)     2,770
                 Balance at 31       294,782         37,710        82,609     222,411        1,280       638,792
                December 2020

                 Balance at 1        315,946         37,038        81,901     204,227        7,403       646,515
                January 2019
                Effect of adoption
                of IFRS 16
                as at 1 January
                2019                (12,941)                                                            (12,941)
                Restated balance
                as at 1 January     303,005         37,038        81,901    204,227         7,403       633,574
                Additions            -                   7,513     -         -               (5,065)     2,449
                 Reclassifications                                          -
                from other assets     -             -             -                         -           -
                 Balance at 31       303,005         44,551        81,901     204,227        2,338       636,022
                December 2019

                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2020

                Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited                           88
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95