Page 90 - GTBank Annual Report 2020 eBook
P. 90
20. Debt instruments
In thousands of Gambian Dalasi Dec.-2020 Dec.-2019
Debt instruments measured at FVOCI
Treasury bills 3,923,444 3,140,522
Fair value adjustment 21,453 42,413
3,944,897 3,182,935
Debt instruments measured at amortized cost:
Government bond 153,638 190,910
CBG bond 551,085 220,121
704,723 411,031
Total Debt instruments 4,649,620 3,593,966
Current 4,649,620 3,593,966
Non-Current - -
21(a). Property plant and equipment
Leasehold Capital
In thousands of
Gambian Dalasi improvement Furniture & Motor Machinery work-in Total
and buildings Fittings vehicle &Equipment - progress
Balance at 1 303,005 44,551 81,901 204,227 2,338 636,022
January 2020
Additions (8,223) (6,841) 708 18,184 (1,058) 2,770
Balance at 31 294,782 37,710 82,609 222,411 1,280 638,792
December 2020
Balance at 1 315,946 37,038 81,901 204,227 7,403 646,515
January 2019
Effect of adoption
of IFRS 16
as at 1 January
2019 (12,941) (12,941)
Restated balance
as at 1 January 303,005 37,038 81,901 204,227 7,403 633,574
Additions - 7,513 - - (5,065) 2,449
Reclassifications -
from other assets - - - - -
Balance at 31 303,005 44,551 81,901 204,227 2,338 636,022
December 2019
Annual Report 2020
Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited 88