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expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects
        current market assessments of the time value of money     (a) Dividend on the Bank’s ordinary shares
        and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability.    Dividends on ordinary shares are recognized as a liability
        A provision for restructuring is recognized when the Bank   and deducted from equity in the year in which they are
        has  approved  a  detailed  and  formal  restructuring  plan,   approved by the Bank’s shareholders. Dividends for the
        and the restructuring either has commenced or has been    year  that  are  approved  after  the  reporting  date  are
        announced publicly. The Bank recognizes no provision for   disclosed as an event after the reporting date.
        future operating losses.

                                                                  3.16 Interest income and expense
        3.13 Financial guarantees
                                                                  Interest  income  and  expense  for  all  interest  bearing
        Financial guarantees are contracts that require the Bank   financial  instruments  are  recognized  in  the  income
        to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a   statement within “interest income” and “interest expense”
        loss  it  incurs  because  a  specified  debtor  fails  to  make   using the effective interest method.
        payment when due in accordance with the terms of a debt   The  calculation  of  the  effective  interest  rate  includes
        instrument.  Financial  guarantee  liabilities  are  initially   contractual fees and points paid or received transaction
        recognized at their fair value, and the initial fair value is   costs, and discounts or premiums that are an integral part
        amortized  over  the  life  of  the  financial  guarantee.  The   of  the  effective  interest  rate.  Transaction  costs  are
        guarantee liability is subsequently carried at the higher of   incremental  costs  that  are  directly  attributable  to  the
        this  amortized  amount  and  the  present  value  of  any   acquisition,  issue  or  disposal  of  a  financial  asset  or
        expected payment (when a payment under the guarantee      liability.
        has become probable). Financial guarantees, principally
        consisting  of  letters  of  credit  are  included  within  other   Interest  income  and  expense  presented  in  the  Income
        liabilities.                                              statement include:

                                                                     ✓  Interest  on  financial  assets  and  liabilities
                                                                         measured  at  amortized  cost  calculated  on  an
                                                                         effective interest rate basis.
                                                                     ✓  Interest on financial assets measured at fair value
                                                                         through  OCI  calculated  on  an  effective  interest
        3.14. Employee benefits                                          rate basis.

        Defined contribution plans                                3.17 Fees and commission income

        A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which   Fees  and  Commission  that  are  integral  to  the  effective
        the Bank pays fixed contributions to a separate entity. The   interest  rate  on  a  financial  asset  are  included  in  the
        Bank  has  no  legal  or  constructive  obligations  to  pay   measurement of the effective interest rate.  Fees, such as
        further  contributions  if  the  fund  does  not  hold  sufficient   processing and management fees charged for assessing
        assets  to  pay  all  employees  the  benefits  relating  to   the  financial  position  of  the  borrower,  evaluating  and
        employee service in the current and prior years.          reviewing  guarantee,  collateral  and  other  security,
        For defined contribution plans, the bank is registered with   negotiation  of  instruments’  terms,  preparing  and
        the Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation and   processing documentation and finalizing the transaction
        contributes  10%  of  employees’  basic  salaries  to  the   are  an  integral  part  of  the  effective  interest  rate  on  a
        national provident fund. Employee contributions are 5% of   financial  asset  or  liability  and  are  included  in  the
        basic  salaries  which  is  deducted  before  arriving  at  net   measurement  of  the  effective  interest  rate  of  financial
        salaries.                                                 assets or liabilities.
        Under the Scheme, employees are entitled to a lump sum    Other  fees  and  commissions  which  relates  mainly  to
        payment upon attaining the retirement age of 60 for men   transaction  and  service  fees,  including  loan  account
        and women respectively.                                   structuring,  management  fees  and  legal  fees  are

                                                                  recognized  as  the  related  services  are  provided  /
        3.15. Share capital and reserves                          performed.
     Annual Report 2021

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