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taxable  profits  will  be  available  against  which  the
                                                                  temporary differences can be utilised.
        3.18 Net trading income
                                                                  Unrecognised deferred tax assets are reassessed at each
        Net trading income comprises of gains and losses related   reporting  date  and  recognised  to  the  extent  that  it  has
        to  trading  assets  and  liabilities  and  foreign  exchange   become  probable  that  future  taxable  profits  will  be
        differences.                                              available against which they can be used.

                                                                  The  amount  of  deferred  tax  provided  is  based  on  the
                                                                  expected  manner  of  realization  or  settlement  of  the
                                                                  carrying  amount  of  the  asset  or  liability  and  is  not
        3.19 Operating expenses                                   discounted.  Deferred  tax  assets  are  reviewed  at  each

        Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during the    reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no
                                                                  longer  probable  that  the  related  tax  benefit  will  be
        accounting  year  in  the  form  of  outflows,  depletion  of   realized.
        assets or incurrence of liabilities that result in decrease of
        equity, other than those relating to distribution to equity
        participants.                                             3.21. Earnings per share
        Expenses are recognized on an accruals basis regardless
        of the time of spending cash.  Expenses are recognized    The Bank presents basic Earnings per Share (EPS) for its
        in  the  income  statement  when  a  decrease  in  future   ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the
        economic benefit related to a decrease in an assets or an   profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
        increase  of  a  liability  has  arisen  that  can  be  measured   Bank by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
        reliably.  Expenses are measured at historical cost       outstanding during the year.
                                                                  3.22. Leases

        3.20. Taxes
        (i) Current tax                                           The  Bank  applied  IFRS  16  to  both  the  current  and
                                                                  comparative periods.
        Tax is charged on the basis of the higher of 1% of gross
        income  and  27%  of  tax  adjusted  accounting  profits  in   3.22.1. Bank as a lessee
        accordance with sections 79 (3a,b) and first schedule of
        the  Income  and  VAT  Act  2012.  For  the  year  of     Leases that do not transfer to the Bank substantially all of
        assessment 2021, tax has been provided on the basis of    the  risks  and  benefits  incidental  to  ownership  of  the
        27%  of  adjusted  profits.  Current  income  tax  relating  to   leased  items  are  operating  leases.  Operating  lease
        items recognized directly in other comprehensive income   payments are recognized as an expense in the income
        is recognized in other comprehensive income respectively   statement  on  a  straight-line  basis  over  the  lease  term.
        and not in the statement of profit or loss.               Contingent rental payable is recognized as an expense in
                                                                  the year in which they it is incurred.
        (ii) Deferred tax
                                                                  3.22.2. Bank as a lessor
        Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability
        method, on all temporary differences arising between the
        tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying values   Leases where the Bank does not transfer substantially all
        for financial reporting purposes. Deferred income tax is   of  the  risk  and  benefits  of  ownership  of  the  asset  are
        determined  using  tax  rates  enacted  or  substantively   classified as operating leases. Rental income is recorded
        enacted at the reporting date and are expected to apply   as earned based on the contractual terms of the lease in
        when the related deferred income tax liability is settled.     other  operating  income.  Initial  direct  costs  incurred  in
                                                                  negotiating  operating  leases  are  added  to  the  carrying
                                                                  amount of the leased asset and recognized over the lease
        Deferred income tax assets are recognised on unused tax   term  on  the  same  basis  as  rental  income.  Contingent
        losses,  unused  tax  credits  and  deductible  temporary   rents are recognized as revenue in the year in which they
        differences only to the extent that it is probable that future
                                                                  are earned.

     Annual Report 2021

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