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including  those  subject  to  Management  Credit                faced and to focus management on the attendant
        Committee’s approval                                             risks. The current risk grading framework consists
        .                                                                of ten grades reflecting varying degrees of risk of
        The  Internal  Audit  and  Credit  Administration  units         default and the availability of collateral  or other
        respectively  undertake  regular  audits  of  business  units    credit  risk  mitigation.  The  responsibility  for
        and credit quality reviews.                                      approving  the  risk  grades  lies  with  the  Board
                                                                         Credit Committee. The risk grades are subject to
        The  Bank  continues  to  focus  attention  on  intrinsic  and   regular review by the Risk Management Unit.
        concentration  risks  inherent  in  its  business  in  order  to
        manage its portfolio risk.  It sets portfolio concentration   Reviewing  compliance  of  business  units  with  agreed
        limits that are measured under the following parameters:   exposure  limits,  including  those  for  selected  industries,
        concentration limits per obligor, business lines, industry,   country  risk  and  product  types.  Regular  reports  are
        sector, rating grade and geographical area. Sector limits   provided to Risk Management Unit on the credit quality of
        reflect the risk appetite of the Bank.                    local portfolios and appropriate corrective action is taken.
                                                                  Providing  advice,  guidance  and  specialist  skills  to
        The Bank drives the credit risk management processes      business  units  to  promote  best  practice  throughout  the
        using  appropriate  technology  to  achieve  global  best   Bank in the management of credit risk.
        practices.                                                There were no changes in the Bank’s risk management
                                                                  policies.  Each business unit is required to implement
        Management of Credit Risk                                 Bank credit policies and procedures, with credit approval
                                                                  authorized by the Board Credit Committee.
        The Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for the
        management of credit risk to its Board Credit Committee.   Credit Risk Measurement
        A separate Management  Credit Committee reporting to
        the Board Credit Committee is responsible for oversight   In line with IFRS 9, the bank adopted the expected credit
        of the Bank’s credit risk, including:                     loss (ECL) approach. The (ECL) model should reflect the
                                                                  general  pattern  of  deterioration  in  the  credit  quality  of
            •   Formulating  credit  policies  in  consultation  with   financial instruments over the life of the instruments. In
               business units, covering collateral requirements,   estimating the expected credit quality of the instrument,
               credit  assessment,  risk  grading  and  reporting,   the  Bank  considers  reasonable  and  supportable
               documentary  and  legal  procedures,  and          information available without undue cost or effort at the
               compliance  with  regulatory  and  statutory       reporting  date,  past  events,  current  conditions  and
               requirements.                                      forecasts of future economic conditions.
            •   Establishing  the  authorization  structure  for  the   Guaranty  Trust  Bank  (Gambia)  Limited  undertakes
               approval  and  renewal  of  credit  facilities.    lending activities after careful analysis of the borrowers’
               Authorization limits are allocated to business unit   character,  capacity  to  repay,  cash  flow,  credit  history,
               heads.  Larger  facilities  require  approval  by  the   industry and other factors. The Bank acknowledges that
               Management  Credit  Committee,  Executive          there  are  diverse  intrinsic  risks  inherent  in  its  different
               Director, Managing Director and the Board Credit   business  segments  and,  as  a  result,  applies  different
               Committee/Board of Directors as appropriate.       parameters  to  adequately  dimension  the  risks  in  each
            •   Reviewing   and   assessing   credit   risk   -   business segment.
               Management  Credit  Committee  assesses  all       The Bank’s rating grades reflect the range of parameters
               credit exposures in excess of designated limits,   developed  to  predict  the  default  probabilities  of  each
               prior to facilities being committed to customers by   rating class in line with international best practices and in
               the  business  unit  concerned.  Renewals  and     compliance  with  BASEL  II  requirements.  The  grades
               reviews  of  facilities  are  subject  to  the  same   reflect granularities and are handled by Account Officers
               review process.                                    and Relationship Managers with further check by Credit
            •   Developing  and  maintaining  the  Bank’s  risk   Risk Analysis Unit in Credit Risk Management Unit.
               grading  in  order  to  categorize  exposures
               according to the degree of risk of financial loss

     Annual Report 2021

                                     Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited             56
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61