P. 60

Contingencies                                             currency  related  transactions.  Contingent  liabilities  are
                                                                  not recognized in the annual financial statements but are
        Contingent  assets  which  include  transaction  related   disclosed in the notes to the annual financial statements
        bonds  and  guarantees,  letters  of  credit  and  short  term   unless they are remote.
        foreign currency related transactions, are not recognized
        in the annual financial statements but are disclosed when,   Placements
        as a result of past events, it is highly likely that economic
        benefits  will  flow  to  the  Bank,  but  this  will  only  be   The Bank has placement lines for its Bank counterparties.
        confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or   The  lines  cover  the  settlement  risks  inherent  in  our
        more uncertain future events which are not wholly within   activities with these counterparties. The limits are arrived
        the Bank’s control.                                       at  after  conducting  fundamental  analysis  of  the
                                                                  counterparties, presentation of findings to, and approval
        Contingent  liabilities  include  transaction  related  bonds   by the Bank’s Management Credit Committee. The lines
        and guarantees, letters of credit and short term foreign   are monitored by Credit Risk Management Unit.

        Credit risk exposures relating to on-balance sheet assets are as follows:
          Classification                                                      Dec.-2021            Dec.-2020
                                                                              GMD'000               GMD'000
           Cash and cash equivalents
           - Unrestricted balances with central banks                             -
           - Balances held with other banks                                    257,457               63,893
           - Money market placements                                           372,434               569,737

          Loans and advances to customers:

          - Loans to individuals                                               733,849               480,060
          - Loans to non-individuals                                           230,945               478,373
          Others                                                                  -                     -

          Financial assets designated at fair value                               -                     -
          - Debt securities                                                   5,802,399             4,649,620

          Assets pledged as collateral                                            -                     -
          Other assets*                                                        59,834                 5,296

          Total                                                               7,456,918             6,246,979
        *Excludes prepayments

     Annual Report 2021

                                     Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited             60
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65