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Monthly  Operational  Risk  Status  reports  circulated  to
                                                                     •   Taxation risk
            •   Business Continuity Management (BCM) in Line      Taxation risk refers to the risk that new taxation laws will
               With BS 25999 Standards                            adversely affect the Bank and/or the loss as a result of
                                                                  noncompliance  with  tax  laws.  The  taxation  risk  is
        To  ensure  reliance  of  our  business  to  any  disruptive   managed by monitoring applicable tax laws, maintaining
        eventuality,  the  Bank  has  in  place  a  robust  Business   operational policies that enable the Bank to comply with
        Continuity Plan (BCP) which assures timely resumption of   taxation laws and, where required, seeking the advice of
        its business with minimal financial losses or reputational   tax specialists.
        damage  and  continuity  of  service  to  its  customers,   5. Capital management Regulatory capital
        vendors and regulators                                    The Bank’s regulator, the  Central Bank of The Gambia
                                                                  sets and monitors capital requirements for the Bank. The
                                                                  regulatory capital is analyzed into two tiers:
            •   Compliance and Legal Risk Management

                                                                  Tier  1  capital  includes  ordinary  share  capital,  share
        Compliance Risk Management involves close monitoring      premium, retained earnings, translation reserve and non-
        of KYC compliance by the bank, escalation of audit non-   controlling  interests  after  deductions  for  goodwill  and
        conformances, Complaints Management and observance        intangible  assets,  and  other  regulatory  adjustments
        of  the  Bank's  zero  tolerance  culture  for  regulatory   relating to items that are included in equity but are treated
        breaches. It also entails an oversight role for monitoring   differently for capital adequacy purposes.
        adherence  to  regulatory  guidelines  and  global  best
        practices on an on-going basis.                           Tier 2 capital includes qualifying subordinated liabilities,
                                                                  collective impairment allowances and the element of fair

                                                                  value  reserve  relating  to  unrealized  gains  on  equity
            •   Legal Risk Management involves the monitoring     instruments classified as FVOCI.
               of litigations against the bank to ascertain likely
               financial or non-financial loss exposures.         Investments   in   unconsolidated   subsidiaries   and
                                                                  associates are deducted from Tier 1 or Tier 2 capital in
            •   Occupational Health and Safety Procedures and     arriving at the regulatory capital. Various limits are applied
               Initiatives                                        to  elements  of  the  capital  base.  The  qualifying  tier  2
                                                                  capital  cannot  exceed  tier  1  capital.  There  are  also
                                                                  restrictions  on  the  amount  of  collective  impairment
        Global best practices for ensuring the health and safety of
        all staff, customers and visitors to the bank are advised,   allowances that may be included as part of tier 2 capital
        reported to the relevant stakeholders and monitored for   (1.25% of risk assets and hybrid instruments – convertible
        implementation. As a result, the following are conducted   bonds).  Banking  operations  are  categorized  mainly  as
        and  monitored:  Fire  Risk  Assessments,  Quarterly  Fire   trading  book  or  banking  book,  and  riskweighted  assets
        Drills, burglaries and injuries that occur within the Bank's   are  determined  according  to  specific  requirements  that
        premises.                                                 seek to reflect the varying levels of risk attached to the
        Reputational Risk Management                              assets and off-financial position exposures.

                                                                  The Bank’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base so
        Guaranty Trust Bank considers reputational risk to be the   as to maintain investor, credit and market confidence and
        current and prospective adverse impact on earnings and    to sustain future development of the business. The impact
        capital arising from negative public opinion. It measures   of  the  level  of  capital  on  shareholders’  return  is  also
        the change in perception of the bank by its stakeholders.   recognized and the bank recognizes the need to maintain
        It  is  linked  with  customers'  expectations  regarding  the   a  balance  between  the  higher  returns  that  might  be
        bank's  ability  to  conduct  business  securely  and     possible  with  greater  gearing  and  the  advantages  and
        responsibly.                                              security afforded by a sound capital position.
        A detailed template with internal and external factors that    The Bank and its individually regulated operations has
        might impact the bank adversely is used to monitor the    complied with all externally imposed capital
        bank's exposure to reputational risk. All adverse trends   requirements throughout the year. There have been no
     Annual Report 2021
        identified are reported to relevant stakeholders for timely   material changes in the Bank’s management of capital
        redress.                                                  during the year.

                                     Guaranty Trust Bank Gambia Limited             80
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