P. 50

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                                             they have forfeited their freedom.
                                              Only a person who risks is free.

                 2. Lack of persistence

                 When problems seem insurmountable, quitting seems to be the easiest way out. It is true
                 for  every marriage,  job  and  relationship. Winners  are  struck  but  not  destroyed. We all
                 have had setbacks in life. Failing does not mean we are failures.
                 More people fail not because they lack knowledge or talent but because they quit. The
                 total secret of success lies in two words, persistence and resistance. Persist in what must
                 be done and resist what ought not be done.

                 A man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for
                 ten minutes longer.

                                                                                  --Ralph Waldo Emerson

                 3. Instant Gratification

                 We  think  short  term,  not  long  term.  That  is  limited  vision.  We  are  living  in  an  age  of
                 instant gratification. There is a pill for everything, from waking you up to putting you to
                 sleep. People want to take a pill to get rid of their problems. When people want to be
                 instant millionaires, they take shortcuts and compromise on their integrity.
                 The desire to make a million overnight has made the lottery a flourishing business.
                 Remember  that  instant  gratification  never  thinks  of  consequences,  only  of  momentary
                 Today's generation defines the ideal diet as one that will take off five pounds for good
                 intentions.  These  are  people  who  don't  want  any  more  birthdays  but  want  all  the

                 4. Lack of Priorities

                 People  make  substitutes  where  they  ought  not  to.  For  example,  in  relationships,  they
                 trade money and gifts for affection and time. Some people find it easier to buy things for
                 their children and spouse to compensate for their absence.
                 When we don't have our priorities right, we waste time, not realizing that time wasted is
                 life wasted. Prioritizing requires discipline to do what needs to be done rather than going
                 by our moods and fancies. Too much emphasis is placed on success and failure rather
                 than doing one's best.
                 How do you cope with defeat and problems?
                 Your response to this question says a lot about your character. One of the keys to solving
                 this mystery to success is understanding. Some people have their mind set on money,
                 power, fame or possessions. We have to understand our priorities.
                 Success does not come by reading or memorizing the principles that lead to success, but
                 by understanding and applying them.

                 5. Looking for Shortcuts

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