P. 55

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Laws of Attraction

                 We attract to ourselves not what we want but what we are. The old phrase, "Birds of a
                 feather flock together," holds true.
                 Negative  thinkers  are  dangerous.  They  attract  other  negative people,  react negatively,
                 expect the worst and they are not disappointed.
                 Have  you  observed  how  at  any  social  occasion  successful  people  attract  other
                 successful people? Failures attract other failures, and together they will moan, groan and
                 Our friends are not the kind of people we want but the kind of people we are.

                 9. Unwillingness to Plan and Prepare

                           Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.

                                                                                         --Vince Lombardi

                 Most people spend more time planning a party or vacation than planning their lives.


                 Confidence  comes  from  preparation,  which  is  nothing  but  planning  and  practicing.
                 Winners put pressure on themselves. That is the pressure of preparing and not worrying
                 about winning.
                 If we practice poorly, we  play poorly; because  we  play  as  we practice.  The  difference
                 between  success  and  failure  is  the  difference  between  doing  exactly  right  and  almost
                 A complete mental and physical preparation is the result of sacrifice and self-discipline. It
                 is easy to be average but tough to be the best. No wonder the average people take the
                 easy way.
                 Preparation is the necessary edge to succeed in any field.

                 Purpose  +  Principle  +  Planning  +  Practice  +  Perseverance  +  Patience  +  Pride  =

                 Preparation leads to Confidence

                 Preparation means tolerating failure but never accepting it. It means having the courage
                 to face defeat without feeling defeated, being disappointed without being discouraged.
                 Preparation  means  learning  from  our  mistakes.  There  is  nothing  wrong  with  making
                 mistakes. We all do. A fool is one who makes the same mistake twice. A person who
                 makes a mistake and doesn't correct it, commits a bigger one.
                 The best way to handle a mistake is to

                 ♦  admit it quickly
                 ♦  not dwell on it
                 ♦  learn from it
                 ♦  not repeat it
                 ♦  not assign blame or make excuses

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