P. 56

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Pressure comes from being unprepared. There is no substitute for preparation, practice
                 and hard work. Desire and wishful thinking won't do it. Only preparation will give you the
                 competitive edge.
                 Pressure can paralyze when a person is not prepared. Just like water gravitates to its
                 own path, success gravitates to those who are prepared. Weak effort gets weak results.
                 Persistence is a name we give to

                 ♦  a purpose
                 ♦  preparation
                 ♦  patience
                 ♦  principles
                 ♦  positive attitude
                 ♦  a plan .
                 ♦  price .
                 ♦  practice
                 ♦  pride

                 Ask yourself:

                 ♦  Do you have a clearly defined purpose?
                 ♦  Do you have a plan of action?
                 ♦  What effort are you putting into preparation?
                 ♦  What price are you willing to pay? How far are you willing to go?
                 ♦  Do you have the patience to withstand the gestation period?
                 ♦  Are you willing to practice toward excellence?
                 ♦  Do you have any firm principles to stand on?
                 ♦  Do you have pride in your performance?
                 ♦  Do you have the "can do" attitude?

                 10. Rationalizing

                 Winners may analyze but never rationalize that is a loser's game. Losers always have a
                 book full of excuses to tell you why they could not.
                 We hear excuses like:

                 I'm unlucky.
                 I'm born under the wrong stars.
                 I'm too young.
                 I'm too old.
                 I'm handicapped.
                 I'm not smart enough.
                 I'm not educated.
                 I'm not good looking.
                 I don't have contacts.
                 I don't have enough money.
                 I don't have enough time.

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