P. 52

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 6. Selfishness and Greed

                 Individuals and organizations that have a selfish attitude toward each other and toward
                 their customers have no right to expect growth. Their attitude is to keep passing the buck
                 without  regard  for  the  welfare  of  others.  Greed  always  wants  more.  Needs  can  be
                 satisfied but greed cannot. It is a cancer of the soul. Greed destroys relationships. How
                 do we gauge our greed index? By asking ourselves three questions:

                 ♦  Can I afford it?
                 ♦  Do I really need it?
                 ♦  If I have it, will it give me peace of mind?

                 Greed comes out of poor self-esteem, which manifests itself as false pride, pretense or
                 keeping up with the Joneses. The way out of greed is to learn to live within your means
                 and be satisfied. Being contented does not mean lacking ambition.

                 WHERE DOES IT END?

                 There is a story about a wealthy farmer who was once offered all the land he could walk
                 on in a day, provided he came back by sundown to the point where he started. To get a
                 new start, early the next morning the farmer started covering ground quickly because he
                 wanted to get as much land as he could. Even though he was tired, he kept going all
                 afternoon because  he didn't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to gain more
                 Late in the afternoon he realized the condition he had to fulfill to get the land was to get
                 back to the starting point by sundown. His greed had gotten him far enough. He started
                 his return journey, keeping an eye on how close he was to sundown. The closer it got to
                 sundown, the faster he ran. He was exhausted, out of breath and pushed himself beyond
                 the point of endurance. He collapsed upon reaching the starting point and died. He did
                 make it before sundown. He was buried and all the land he needed was a small plot.

                 There is a lot of truth in this story and a lesson to be learned. Whether the farmer was
                 wealthy or not, any greedy person would have ended the same way.

                 7. Lack of Conviction

                 People who lack conviction take the middle of the road; and guess what happens in the
                 middle of the road? They get run over.
                 People without conviction do not take a stand. They go along to get along because they
                 lack  confidence  and  courage.  They  conform  in  order  to  get  accepted  even  when  they
                 know that what they are doing is wrong. They behave like part of a herd.
                 Some  people  consider  themselves  a  shade  better  because  they  do  not  support  the
                 wrong;  however,  they  lack  the  conviction  to  oppose.  They  do  not  realize  that  by  not
                 opposing they are actually supporting.

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